"Core Physics and Engineering Aspects of
Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems for
Energy Generation and Transmutation"
Argonne, USA, 28 November - 1 December 2000
Development and Validation of Calculational Procedures for the
Neutron Physics Investigations of Accelerator Driven
Sub-critical Systems
C.H.M. Broeders
The neutron physics ADS investigations at FZK were proposed
by H. Kuesters in the early nineties.
The main contributors are C.H.M. Broeders, I. Broeders,
E. Kiefhaber , H. Kuesters
and M. Segev (guest scientist).
A main objective of these efforts is the development
and validation of calculational procedures with special emphasis
on the application of multi-group methods.
At the TCM the contribution was presented
with the following viewcharts :
The viewchart slide01 shows the topics covered.
Slide slide02 shows a short overview of the applied codes.
The viewcharts slide03 and slide04 summarize the characteristics of the code system KAPROS, developed at FZK since more than 25 years.
The cross section processing features of the code systems developed at FZK are showed in slide05.
Viewchart slide06 indicates the powerful capabilities of coupling KAPROS with stand-alone codes, in this case the high energy spallation codes HETC-KFA and LAHET with the fission reactor transport codes TWODANT and MCNP and the depletion codes KARBUS and KORIGEN. Data transfer is performed by standardaized interfaces.
The viewcharts slide07 and slide08 give information about the extension of SAS4A at FZK. This work is in progress at present by C.H.M. Broeders, R. Dagan and D. Struwe.
Viewchart slide09 briefly summarizes validation efforts for ADS applications by theoretical benchmarks. The main results of these investigations are given in viewchart slide10. The viewcharts slide11, slide12, slide13 and slide14 give some additional information and results for these benchmark investigations.
Viewchart slide15 briefly summarizes validation efforts for ADS applications by experimental support. Viewchart slide16 shows a MCNP-plot of the YALINA experiment at SOSNY/Minsk Belarus. slide17 shows a similar MCNP-plot of the planned sub-critical experimental core to be irradiated by a 660MeV proton beam in the SAD experiment in Dubna, Russia.
Viewchart slide18 summarizes the areas of actual ADS related benchmark results.
Viewchart slide19 gives the specification of 3 Russian critical experiments aimed at the investigation of the influence of lead reflectors, provided by A. Rogov, Dubna. Viewchart slide20 shows results from calculations at FZK with different data libraries for Nickel and lead. Obviously, the FZK libraries could be significantly improved by this benchmark investigation if isotope-wise data is applied.
Viewchart slide21 gives the specification for a strongly simplified 2-region benchmark, derived from the critical experiments at the MASURCA fast reactor in Cadarache, France. The results in viewchart slide22 indicate the sensitivity of this benchmark to changes in the structural materials. Moreover, we may observe that all data-replacements lead to smaller values for the criticality. The latest multi-group library calculations show good agreement with the MCNP results.
The last 4 viewcharts slide23, slide24, slide25 and slide26 show first preliminary results for the burnup behavior of an ADS with Minor Actinide fuel. In this IAEA ADS benchmark 3.1, the fuel of the well-known IAEA ADS benchmark for a Thorium/U233 Energy-Amplifier system has been replaced by a mixture of Plutonium and Minor Actinides from spent fuel of LWR with 50.000 MWD/THM mean discharge burnup. In order to obtain the desired criticality slightly below 1., some dilution with ZrO2 is applied. The observed significant discrepancies still have to be analyzed in more detail.