CHMBLH Homepage on LINUX Server hosted by LPC Linkenheim

Slide presentations
  • Natura-TV contribution Rheinauen
  • Church towers pictures
  • Lifetime of tree near Leopoldshafen pictures
  • Change row of trees along Rhine near Insel Rott pictures
  • High level river Rhine June 2013 pictures
  • Butterflies in Rheinauen pictures
  • Dragonflies in Rheinauen pictures

  • Observations of Stork's
  • Nest Heimatverein Holtorf 2021
  • Recordings Rheinauen since 2021
  • Nest Naturschutzzentrum Rußheim (VVND): 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012,
  • Verein der Natur- und Vogelfreunde Linkenheim-Hochstetten Photo gallery
  • Old photos from Rheinauen

    The activity Legacy Natura-TV, as private legacy of the Natura-TV EU-LIFE Project
  • The website as replacement for the removed supporting site with this name.
  • Stork's VVND Rußheim,
  • Peregrine falcons KIT Campus Nord,
    Camera Photos Year: 2024 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016 , 2015 , 2014 , 2013
  • Dragonflys in Rheinauen.
  • Butterflys in Rheinauen Auswahl , alle Aufnahmen.
  • Orchids comeback after many years in Rheinauen.

    Camera Video-Clips:
  • Roe deer meetings in Rheinauen 20.Juli 2008 , 10. Mai 2015 , 12. Juli 2015
  • Christmas concert Insel Rott 2008 21. December 2008
  • Sheeps Rhine dike 11. April 2010
  • Sheep with lamb on Rhine dike 11. April 2010
  • End of poplar alley 19. November 2012 near Insel Rott Hochstetten
  • White muskrat Alt-Dettenheim 5. Oct 2014, 2. Nov 2014, 6. Sep 2015, 6. Sep 2015, 13. Sep 2015.
  • Concert in the evening swarm of birds 8. March 2015,
  • Swarm "Marienkaefer" 26. October 2015 Insel Rott,
  • Blackbird Insel Rott 21. Jan 2017,
  • Frogs concert Alt-Dettenheim June 1 2021 12h00,

    The last years of an old pump station along the Rhine near Linkenheim , pictures since 2011, retro view ...

    Problems with bridges on the way to Insel Rott , pictures since 23.07.2018, Pictures "Drehbrücke",

    Recordings Zeegat Vlissingen inspired by content of closed website

    AIS / ADS-B Station CHMBLH for local ship / airplane observation near Linkenheim:
  • Map with ships and airplanes,
    To handle recent Apple iPadOS version 13 issues, currently only restricted local stored maps are provided.
  • Table with ship information and pictures,
  • Unsorted list of ship pictures.

    OpenStreetMap applications near Linkenheim
  • Trips in Rheinauen
  • Walking in Linkenheim-Hochstetten

    Fischrestaurant Insel Rott am Rhein Insel Rott, Weihnachtskonzert 2008 / Kostproben ..

    Actual Information for approved contacts: VIP AREA (Password needed)

    Active scientific work,

    Password protected logins for ISTC and related EC-CEG work in progress for finalization

    Older contributions of this WEB-Site,

    Last update 24.06.2024 by C.H.M. Broeders.