Homepage C.H.M. Broeders Number of visits of this site since March 18, 2007: 694
Visitor feedback appreciated (comments, recommendations):
Start page CV

  • Apple trees in 2008 in the Rheinauen near Linkenheim

  • Sunsets in the Rheinauen near Linkenheim

  • Nice places for eating fish in the Rheinauen near Linkenheim

  • Rendezvous with Roe-Deer (Reh) in the Rheinauen July 20, 2008

  • Mushrooms in the Rheinauen

  • Trees in the Rheinauen

  • Flowers in the Rheinauen

  • Butterflies in the Rheinauen

  • Dragonflies (Libellen) in the Rheinauen

  • Swan family life during a summer

  • Animals along Rhine

  • Ships at the Rhine near Karlsruhe

  • Muskrat family

  • April 1, 2007 in Rheinauen

  • Season 2007 of apple tree in Rheinauen

  • Season 2008 of same apple tree in Rheinauen

  • Season 2009 of same apple tree in Rheinauen (new sequence)
    For more information about the Rheinauen see

  • Impressions of vacation near Hamburg August 2007


    Dr. C.H.M. Broeders, retired from Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe

    Less serious impression from nice conference dinner in Grenoble

    Special service at IAEA ADS CRP Meeting at ENEA Rome Nov 2007

    Some typical pictures from the Rheinauen near Karlsruhe

    Professional background:

    Electrotechnical engineer (Ing) Higher Technological School St-Virgilius Breda, 1962, Electrotechnical engineer (Ir) Technological University of Eindhoven 1968 (link to Diploma work). , PhD in nuclear engineering (Dr) University of Karlsruhe 1992 (link to PhD work).

    Member of FZK / INR since 1969, FZK/IRS since 2000.

    Head of Section Neutron Physics and Reactor Dynamics (NR) of IRS February 2003 untill retirement March, 2007.

    Main areas of interest:

    nuclear reactor physics, reactor code development and validation, nuclear data libraries, reactor design, reactor dynamics, spallation target physics., multi-physics codes.

    Experience in the areas:

    fast reactor physics, tight light water reactor physics and design, physics of high performance light water reactor with coolant at super-critical thermodynamic conditions, spent LWR-fuel analysis, long term waste treatment, dynamics of sub-critical systems, physics and design of accelerator driven sub-critical systems (ADS). Coupling of nuclear physics and thermodynamic reactor codes.

    He is one of the key developers of the current UNIX workstation version of the modular code system for reactor physics calculations KAPROS, created at FZK in the past 35 years. The KAPROS subsystem KARBUS is well suited for nuclear fuel burnup analysis for a wide variety of reactor configurations. In the current version KAPROS-E a number of couplings with international stand-alone codes have been realized, e.g. for coupling of neutron physics, neutron kinetics and thermo hydraulic tasks (more about KAPROS).

    He participated in the 4. EC framework program IABAT. He was involved in the 5. EC framework programs MUSE, HPLWR, PDS-XADS and MEGAPIE-TEST, as well as in the bilateral projects MEGAPIE and TRADE. He is involved in the 6. EC framework program Integrated Project EUROTRANS domains DESIGN, ECATS and NUDATRA

    Since his first visits to Russia in 1996, he is actively supporting (some detailed information) the initial incentives of the International Scientific Technology Center ISTC in Moscow (http://www.istc.int).
    A password protected ISTC information exchange area is provided at the bottom of this page.

    More information on professional activities may be found on http://inrwww.webarchiv.kit.edu

    Some interesting work on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Issues.

    Exchange of ISTC related information:

  • ISTC CEG P&T Information (password needed)

    Exchange of IAEA related information:

  • IAEA Information (password needed)
    Visitor feedback appreciated (comments, recommendations):

    Last update 03.03.2025 by C.H.M. Broeders.