Physics of Accelerator Driven Systems
Trento, 29 September - 3 October 1997
for Nuclear Transmutation and
Clean Energy Production
The neutron physics ADS investigations at FZK were proposed
by H. Kuesters in the early nineties.
The main contributors are C.H.M. Broeders, I. Broeders, H. Kuesters
and M. Segev (guest scientist).
At the workshop the following viewcharts were presented:
The viewchart intro1.gif shows the topics covered.
intro3.gif and
show the subdivision of the calculational procedures into
the main areas:
high energy spallation, "lower" energy transport and
Charts calc1.gif, calc2.gif and calc3.gif specify the applied calculational procedures for the three area discussed before.
Charts kapros1.gif, kapros2.gif and kapros3.gif give more detailed information about the realisation of these procedures within the code system KAPROS, developed at FZK for the calculation of fast, thermal and epithermal nuclear reactors. Chart kapros4.gif shows a detailed representation of the status and the linking of these tools.
Chart nudat1.gif gives some information about applied nuclear data during the ADS investigations.
Charts valid1.gif and valid2.gif discuss some of the extensive validation investigations.
Chart applic1.gif summarizes ADS application investigations at FZK.
Chart applic2.gif shows the influence on the criticality factor for different geometrical subdivisions of the IAEA ADS benchmark core.
Charts bmpow1.gif, bmpow2.gif and bmpow3.gif give power distributions in the core of the IAEA ADS benchmark for different stages of burnup.
These unfavourable power distributions could be improved by the use of three enrichment zones in the core, as shown in the charts bmpow4.gif and bmpow5.gif.
The last viewcharts show results for another approach for power flattening in the core. Instead of one central proton beam in the core, three to six beams in the outer region are used. These preliminary results are obtained with the FZK diffusion code D3E and the corresponding evaluation code AUDI3 (see calc2.gif).
Charts multib1.gif and multib2.gif show the radial power distribution for two burnup stages in the center of a core with six proton sources. Chart multib3.gif shows the behaviour of such a system with three beams active in a six beams core. Chart multib4.gif shows an example of the behaviour if proton beams are interrupted.